Spring Brunch 2019
Hannah Gordon
Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel, SF 49ers
Thank you to all students and alumni who joined us for a lovely Spring Brunch on Sunday, May
19, 2019! Although the rain brought us in doors, it became simply a reminder of our history of
adaptability, something our speaker, Hannah Gordon, embraced as she stood in her driving slippers having forgotten her heels at home.
Hannah Gordon, the general counsel for the 49ers, shared inspiring stories surrounding her own mental toughness throughout her career and incorporated many thought-provoking activities for those in attendance.
Among them:
Think of a song that makes you feel confident and your homework the following week is to play it when you're getting ready for work, class, etc.
On a note of self care, write down three things that make you feel relaxed. Pick one and make a commitment to yourself to do this thing at least once this week.
Write down a time where you quit something and how it made you feel. Next, write down a time where you chose a different opportunity and how that made you feel. Finally, write down a time you persevered through a difficult situation and how that makes you feel now.
As you make your way through 2019 and 2020, we hope you recall the importance of self care in maintaining your mental toughness.
After Hannah's speech, we had the great pleasure of discussing perseverance and stamina among the many generations of Cap and Gown women who attended. With her wise words in mind, we left rejuvenated and inspired to pursue meaningful work and walk with confidence.
Finally, we want to share the wonderful news that we had four Leader Award recipients in attendance. Crystal Zheng, the current actives president, donned the traditional robes and awarded Eleanor Frost, Corie Wieland, Tashrima Hossain, and Sophie Rose with flowers and a certificate. All three recipients are wonderful women who care deeply for Cap and Gown today and in the future.
Thank you to all attendees for your continued engagement and support of our community that
celebrates women leaders!